Better Jobs ontario

Acquire skills training and financial assistance upon meeting the eligibility requirements for Better Jobs Ontario.

Better Jobs Ontario, administered through the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD), offers crucial financial assistance for laid-off workers or individuals confronting difficulties in securing stable employment. This provincial government initiative focuses on providing support for skills training, helping applicants acquire the expertise needed to navigate the current job market successfully. The funding can assist with tuition, textbooks, living expenses, and other associated training costs, ensuring a comprehensive approach to skill development for a new career.

Formerly known as Second Career, the Better Jobs Ontario program has undergone enhancements to provide even more extensive support for laid-off workers seeking training in high-demand careers. Successful applicants can access substantial support, receiving up to $28,000 for tuition, living expenses, and additional necessities. Notably, the program has recently expanded to offer enhanced support to a broader spectrum of individuals facing challenges in securing stable employment, including gig workers, youth, and those reliant on social assistance. If you’ve been unemployed for six months or longer and belong to a low-income household, the Better Jobs Ontario program stands as a valuable resource to empower you on your journey towards a fulfilling career.

At A Glance
Better Jobs Ontario provides eligible applicants with:
  • skills training for in-demand jobs
  • financial support
You can apply for up to $28,000 for costs, including:
  • tuition
  • books
  • other instructional costs, including student fees, supplies and electronic devices
  • transportation
  • basic living allowance (up to $500 per week)
Additional funding may be available for:
  • childcare
  • disability-related supports
  • living away from home
  • Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) and/or language training
How does it work?

Better Jobs Ontario is designed to help you get back to work quickly. The program focuses on training that takes less than 52 weeks, including shorter courses like micro-credentials.If you plan to attend training for more than a year, you can apply for financial assistance through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). OSAP provides a mix of grants and loans to help you pay for your further education.

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Give us a call at:
Phone: 905-890-7833
Toll-free: 1-866-576-5423