The Library: Immerse yourself in a world of knowledge and inspiration in our newly designed library. With floor-to-ceiling windows offering breathtaking views of Mississauga, abundant natural light floods the space. Discover shelves filled with a wide range of books, including new additions tailored to our courses like Personal Support Worker, Business Admin, and Police Foundations. Find a cozy spot on our comfortable couches to study or unwind. Multiple tables are available for group discussions and collaborative learning.

The Cafeteria: Indulge in a culinary experience like no other in our renovated cafeteria. Featuring state-of-the-art amenities, from stylish tile and wood floors to tall windows bathing the area in natural light. Enjoy the convenience of HD TVs, 10+ microwaves, as well as 2 vending machines. Savor a variety of delectable dishes from our in-house restaurant, including signature items like butter chicken, poutine, veggie and meat burgers. Treat yourself to beverages like hot chocolate and French vanilla. With ample seating areas, students can relax, forge connections, and create lasting memories.

The Gym: Elevate your fitness journey with our brand-new gym facilities. Discover a range of cutting-edge equipment, including exercise bikes, treadmills, yoga mats, exercise balls, ab wheels, and pull-up bars. Energize yourself, build strength, and enhance your overall well-being without leaving campus.

The Wellness Room: Experience tranquility and rejuvenation in our sought-after wellness room. Enjoy the inviting layout with comfortable couches arranged around a large HD TV. Find solace and privacy in this enclosed space, complemented by a new kitchen area to keep your meals fresh and ready to enjoy.

Give us a call

Want to learn more about admission requirement? Trying to book an onsite campus tour?

Give us a call at:
Phone: 905-890-7833
Toll-free: 1-866-576-5423